Jan 14, 2025
Linas Pilypaitis, Rocco Disipio, and Gavin Schnobb
Prognosticators who will enlighten us on the outlook for investments (Linas Pilypaitis), real estate

Prognosticators who will enlighten us on the outlook for investments (Linas Pilypaitis), real estate (Rocco Disipio) and sports teams in 2024(Gavin Schnobb)

The order is First Linas Pilypaitis, Then Rocco Disipio, and Then Gavin Schnobb

Each presentation should be a max of 10 minutes or less to allow for questions at the end of all presentations.
If you plan to use AV material, please send a copy to Brett and myself beforehand as a backup in case things go amiss.

Thanks again,